We Christians are pilgrims! We pastors are pilgrims. For decades we may reside in a denomination but that clearly cannot be our identity. We are on the move. A sense of homelessness from time to time is healthy- perhaps a prompting that embraces the reality of the faith walk.

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The screeching egoic need for societal validation from these quasi celebrities irritates me to no end. While I have sympathy for the individuals... our society has devolved into a mass of pathetic Naval gazers who need others to pat them on the head and tell them that it will be okay and that they are good people. How did we become so weak in character? Well the "men without chests" are going to get ground up in the world that's coming. Buckle up kiddies because it's going to be a bumpy ride and most of you in the West are not ready for it.

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The links you provided to two substack articles are broken.

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Longing for Home by Frederick Buechner resonates well with this.

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Thank you, Paul.

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