Looking through the bifurcation of religious affiliation is a problem I would argue. Christianity has a long tradition of incorporating truth wherever they find it. Unfortunately in today's world there is probably is no way around it... Orthodoxy is perhaps the only Christianity that has the history and tradition of incorporating new ideas without losing itself to modernity... We will see if our other brothers and sisters have the capacity. Regardless it's not a quick process and only time will tell...

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I think nearly all institutions are moving towards an integration rather than bifurcation of embodied practice and propositional truth. I think orthodoxy has traditionally been very good at the former which accounts for its attractiveness to jaded rationalists, both Christian and non-Christian. In the spirit of integration however, the Orthodox tradition will I believe become more propositionally oriented over time. Not to the exclusion of its rich tradition, but including it. Both/And style.

By contrast I think western traditions that have been more propositionally oriented will begin to integrate embodied practice more deliberately. We will see enriched liturgy and a return to mysticism in protestant and Roman Catholic churches.

I think all of these movements are VERY GOOD THINGS. I'm excited to see where God is taking us.

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