I thought you petered out at the end there. I agreed especially with your point about the succession of crises one after another. That to me is the ritual of humanity under pagan gods. We use crises to build up sacrificial episodes. You get seven different crises in covid itself and covid is one of fifteen different crises of the past 30 years. In that case resolving it with data actually works against the true purpose which is ritual sacrifice, a small amount of violence to stave off general war. I’m not sure I believe in God but I definitely believe in the gods.

I suppose God is who leads us out of this, who shows us that that natural processes are not related to moral fitness. Would you have been able to end that way?

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And once again we run headlong into Jonathan Pageau...

Our modern ears don't want to accept what he says about community circumambulating around a central point. Looking up to the same thing which invariably is a steeple in the middle of a town surrounded by a wall. We would rather dissect and parse out incessantly all the psychological and sociological elements to try to find some deeper scientific materialistic meaning that has been already adequately explained to us thousands of years ago and we have just forgot... Or perhaps in our arrogance have disregarded it to our detriment.

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